Installing Twilight Render on Mac OSX

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Installing Twilight Render on Mac OSX

Post by Chris » Thu Mar 21, 2013 2:40 pm

Twilight Render for OSX is available as an .RBZ package that can be installed directly by SketchUp (This feature is only available for SketchUp 8 or later).

The package can be downloaded here:
V2 ... ds/upgrade
V1 ... _1.5.4.rbz

To Install:
  • Download the Twilight Render extension package.
  • Launch SketchUp
  • If using SketchUp 2017 or later, Go to Window->Extension Manager and click on the Install Extension button.
  • If using Sketchup 2016 or earlier, go to SketchUp -> Preferences -> Extensions and click on the Install Extension button.
  • Navigate to where you saved the Twilight Render .rbz package and click Open
  • Click Ok or Next through any popup warnings
  • The install process will take at most a minute.
  • Restart SketchUp
Note: if you click on the download link above and just get a bunch of text garbage, it means your browser does not recognize the .rbz extension and assumes it is text (which it obviously isn't). Right click on the link and choose "Save Link" or "Save As" or "Download Linked File" or whatever is similar. Then save the downloaded file to your desktop.

To learn more about .RBZ and SketchUp, we recommend these pages: ... p-plugins/ ... swer=38583

SketchUp 7 does not provide the Install Extension feature.
To install Twilight Render for SketchUp 7:
  1. Rename the installer as a .zip file.
  2. Extract the contents of the zip file into the SketchUp Plugins folder.
  3. Your SketchUp Plugins folder should now contain a file called twilight.rb and a folder called Twilight.
Sometimes user encounter difficulties installing Twilight Render on Mac OSX. Different versions of OSX can have different folder permissions. Restoring from backup (Time Machine) can cause changes to your filesystem. Most of the time, it all comes down to your permissions for reading and writing to the SketchUp plugins folder.
cannot_install.jpg (23.74 KiB) Viewed 122808 times
Frustratingly, SketchUp implies that there is a problem with the plugin itself. However, this is pretty much never the case. SketchUp doesn't check to see if it has the correct permissions to install the plugin into the plugins folder.

Here is a step by step provided by an OSX SketchUp guru for fixing your permissions problem:
  1. Find the plugin folder. MacHD/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/plugins
  2. Select the plugins folder by clicking once on it ( don't double click )
  3. Press <Command> i (for info)
  4. When the plugins folder info window opens, click on small padlock in bottom right, sign in with admin. pwd.
  5. Click on "sharing and permissions" to open options
  6. Change all groups to "Read & Write"
  7. Click on padlock again to prevent further changes.
  8. Close window
  9. Extensions installer should now be able to install ".rbz" plugins
You can find more about OSX folder permissions from these pages: ... sions-mac/


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