Red Carpet Forum access - upgrading user account - authorize

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Red Carpet Forum access - upgrading user account - authorize

Post by Fletch » Mon Jan 16, 2012 12:24 pm

Note: Twilight Render V2 Professional users, go here to automatically upgrade your account.

Want access to the goodies? If your username is in orange or blue on this forum, you already have access to the Red Carpet forum section.
If you click a link, and you see a message "You are not authorised to read this forum" then read on...

If you are a licensed user of Twilight, we will not typically connect your user account (upgrade user account) here on the forum to access the Red Carpet section unless you used the same email address to register on the forum as was used to purchase your Twilight Render License. This is not an 'automatic' process. If the email addresses are the same, then the access can possibly take up to 24 hrs. (typically less) Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience.

If you used a different email address to register on the forum than the email address used to purchase your license for Twilight Render, then please create an email requesting Red Carpet Access which includes:
  1. forward the email containing your approved license code
  2. include both email addresses = the one used to sign into the forum and the one used to purchase the license
  3. the user name on the forum,
  4. the name used when purchasing Twilight Render license
Send the email to:
licensing at twilightrender dot com

At your service,
Twilight Render Support


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