Sketchup crashes following Twilight Plugin Install

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Re: Sketchup crashes following Twilight Plugin Install

Post by nadege_d_2kpl » Wed Nov 23, 2022 10:29 pm

Thank you for your tip.
I deleted the TwilightDenoise.dll and sketchup open with twilight render tool bar. :D :D :D
My GPU is NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760m, driver version

Thanks for your help.

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Re: Sketchup crashes following Twilight Plugin Install

Post by Chris » Thu Nov 24, 2022 3:12 am

Driver versions should be something in the 300 - 500 range. For instance, the latest released NVidia driver version is 526.98.

The FastForward Denoiser requires a minimum NVidia version of 435.8 (you can find more complete info on our tutorial page: ... -denoising). If your driver can't be updated to the level (some GPU can't support that), or if your GPU just otherwise doesn't support the current release of FastForward, you can download a previous version of the denoiser from here: ...

It is a zip file that you will have to extract and copy all the contents to: "C:\Program Files\Twilight Render 2". Restart SketchUp and if all is successful, you should have a working GPU version of the FastForward denoiser. (Be careful with updating Twilight Render in the future though as you will have to repeat the process if you install a new version.)

If the legacy version doesn't fix your issue, delete the TwilightDenoise.dll again. Then launch SketchUp, and go to Extensions -> Twilight Render V2 -> Options. Click on the Options tab and under "Denoiser", choose "Intel OIDN". This will switch over to the CPU version of the Denoiser. (Go to the tutorial page from the link above to learn more about the different modes and how to use them.) If for any reason the CPU denoising mode won't work for you, let us know and we will refund your purchase.

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Re: Sketchup crashes following Twilight Plugin Install

Post by nadege_d_2kpl » Fri Nov 25, 2022 9:31 am

Thank you very much!!!!
My driver version was 425.31 so your second option was the good one for me.
:gj: :gj: :gj: :gj: :gj: :gj:

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