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25% off through the month of April (and exciting news about the FastForward Denoiser)

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 4:17 pm
by Chris
We know everyone is stuck at home right now and you are probably getting bored out of your skull.

Well, what better time to hone your rendering skills! Or maybe, while you are helping your kids through their remote schooling, you can teach you kids how to use SketchUp and Twilight Render too! :lol:

Joking aside, we are offering 25% everything until the end of April! If you haven't purchased a Pro license yet, or you might be interested in one of our AddOns, now is a great time.

To further pique your interest, we've expanded the capabilities of our FastForward Denoiser to include a CPU option. This means you don't need NVidia specific hardware to run it. And it can run on macOS! Now, it's not a 1-to-1 comparison in speed to the GPU denoiser, but it is just as amazingly effective and can still cut hours off your render time. You can find out more information on the specifics of using it from our tutorial page: ... -denoising

And if you already have FastForward Denoising, you can download the latest release and automatically have access to the update.
denoise.jpg (19.23 KiB) Viewed 30720 times
Please note, the GPU mode is still limited to Windows computers running with compatible NVidia GPU hardware. The new release enables the denoiser to run on other hardware but only in CPU mode. Check out the tutorial link above for an in-depth explanation on the new CPU mode.