How to use Twilight with SketchyPhysics

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Re: How to use Twilight with SketchyPhysics

Post by Fletch » Sat Apr 03, 2010 12:16 pm

Thank you steevecalvin,
Please download and use v1.3 newest release, this should be fixed now. ;)

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Re: How to use Twilight with SketchyPhysics

Post by irenaeus » Wed Sep 15, 2010 9:30 pm

Sorry to resurrect a dead thread - move my post if need be! Steevecalvin's last post, and Fletch's answer, seemed closely related to my question.

I'm working with SketchyPhysics and Twilight. So far so good!

One thing that is not clear to me is working camera movement into the mix here. I know that when SketchyPhysics is running you can right click on something and follow it, for example, or just move the camera around in the usual Sketchup way. All good. But what about when you are rendering with Twilight?

How does one go about this, if at all?


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Re: How to use Twilight with SketchyPhysics

Post by Chris » Fri Sep 17, 2010 4:57 pm

Camera animation is controlled solely by the scene positions. The additional control that SketchyPhysics does over the camera doesn't get used at all.

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Re: How to use Twilight with SketchyPhysics

Post by irenaeus » Sat Sep 18, 2010 12:44 pm

Chris wrote:Camera animation is controlled solely by the scene positions. The additional control that SketchyPhysics does over the camera doesn't get used at all.
Simple, if frustrating! I suppose some applications will have to use Proper Animation. I shall look into that too.

Thank you, Chris,


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Re: How to use Twilight with SketchyPhysics

Post by irenaeus » Fri Oct 21, 2011 3:21 pm

If this isn't yet an official feature request for some future release, may I make it one now?
The request being that Twilight Render be aware of and take into account SP camera movement.

-- Jay

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Re: How to use Twilight with SketchyPhysics

Post by Chris » Fri Oct 21, 2011 4:41 pm

We'll take a look at it. If it can be included without causing a conflict with the normal Camera animation then we'll do it.

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Re: How to use Twilight with SketchyPhysics

Post by mr.sofa » Sun Nov 06, 2011 10:18 am


I made a 2 second long animation with twilight and sketchy physics.
When it was done it made a lot of pictures in my folder.
So now i have to put them all together in a 3rd party software? (which one would be the best one for this??)
OR is there a way to save this directly as a animation? like wav or mpg...

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Re: How to use Twilight with SketchyPhysics

Post by Chris » Mon Nov 07, 2011 3:32 pm

There isn't a way built into Twilight Render to automatically convert to avi/mpg.

I use VirtualDub which is easy, flexible, and free. There are a lot of video editor tools out there though. Just look around for one you like best.

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Re: How to use Twilight with SketchyPhysics

Post by mr.sofa » Wed Nov 09, 2011 7:54 am

Thank-you :)


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