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cabinet door gaps

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 9:03 pm
by millwork

I've modelled a kitchen and have set the cabinet doors to have 3mm gaps between them. When I render the scene the door gaps don't show - you can't tell where the individual doors are it just looks like 1 large panel. I've tried using wider gaps like 6mm and 9mm with limited success. Is there a setting or trick that will work? I appreciate any help or responses I get.

Thank you

Re: cabinet door gaps

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 9:21 pm
by Fletch
Tick the "Edge Lines" in the material you are using for the door, then set width for the line, scale is in meters, then set the smooth radius to 45 or 60... See "Edge Lines" in the User Manual. Try it on a quick test cube scene before moving on to the big model, so you can adjust your material with very quick little test renders.

Subject: Workaround for lines not showing
Fletch wrote:...this is one of the many things we made easy with Twilight.
Tick the "Edge Lines" in the material you are using for the door, then set width for the line, scale is in meters, then set the smooth radius to 45 or 60... See "Edge Lines" in the User Manual.
Twilight User Manual wrote:.1= .1 meters = approximately 4” use this for large exteriors such as large buildings or interiors of very large spaces.
.01= .4” use this for fine lines around smaller buildings such as a house and elements like stairways
.001= .04” Use this for fine lines around detailed elements such as furniture objects and cabinetry.

Re: cabinet door gaps

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 9:43 pm
by millwork
Hi Fletch

Thank you for your quick response. I've now tried various settings and I can see this is going to work.

Thanks again, I really appreciate your help

Re: cabinet door gaps

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 11:10 pm
by millwork
Where do I find the "smooth radius" settings? I've looked in the online manual and I can't seem to find it?

Re: cabinet door gaps

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 10:41 am
by Fletch
terribly sorry, it's called "Hard Edge Angle" just type in "30" instead of default "0"

Re: cabinet door gaps

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 5:49 pm
by millwork
Thanks Fletch I've got it now. I've been experimenting with the values you suggested and it's working great.