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Light issue

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 4:16 pm
by Federico
Hi Guys, can you please tell me what I'm doing wrong?

I cannot figure out how to put a light there, this is the result
image.jpg (96.68 KiB) Viewed 10090 times
and these are the settings, I moved them low to check if any light was coming but nothing
image (1).jpg
image (1).jpg (215.61 KiB) Viewed 10090 times
So I changed them to point light and I got this
image (2).jpg
image (2).jpg (160.53 KiB) Viewed 10090 times
with these settings. Is that light that I put a red arrow mean something?
image (3).jpg
image (3).jpg (155.69 KiB) Viewed 10090 times


*images attached by admin for posterity.

Re: Light issue

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 4:21 pm
by Chris
A spot light will only cast light in the direction it's pointing. Since the cone is not directed at the light fixture itself, it won't shine any light on it. You can either do a pair of lights, one spot and one point, or you can find an IES light that achieves the effect you want..

Re: Light issue

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 4:40 pm
by Federico
Hi Chris,

Yes the spot light should cast the light down but it doesn't do any light at all. The idea was to add a point and a spot light but even the point light is not doing what I thought like illuminate the inside of the lamp.

I'm new to this rendering world and I'm still trying to figure out a lot of the IES :?

I tried to change those light with an IES that I got from the forum but I still don't get anything inside the lamp

image (4).jpg
image (4).jpg (213.38 KiB) Viewed 10089 times
Untitled_1.jpg (242.37 KiB) Viewed 10089 times

Re: Light issue

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 5:42 pm
by Federico
So I guess the problem was that I didn't add a glass in front of the light :roll:

There is so much I need to learn about this lighting......any good tutorials about this? Let's say a generic twilight dummy video :lol:

Re: Light issue

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 5:49 pm
by Fletch
There is something strange going on. It does not make sense that the light is producing no light whatsoever.

Your glass is still having a problem here. Did you try my suggestions? If so, you may try exploding the group/component and unsmoothing the geometry.

Re: Light issue

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 7:02 pm
by Federico
I don't understand why is not doing any light unless I put a surface as a it's not suppose to do that right?

For the window I didn't do much yet, the material is the right one but I download that window and I saw that there are multiple surfaces for the glass. What do you mean with unsmoothing the geometry?

This rendering it's fun but it take so much time!!! :totgm:

Re: Light issue

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 7:57 pm
by Fletch
It takes time to learn something new. ;)
Open a clean new scene in SketchUp.
Create a floor and 2 walls forming a corner with a ceiling. Now place the Twilight Spot light up near the ceiling in the corner and see if it casts light. Don't copy it from the scene that is not working. Create a clean new spot light. You can load an ies file into the spot light. Render tests on this small scene it goes much faster than to find the problem in a larger complex scene.

In the test scene go into the Environment Dialog
Disable the sun by unchecking the box.
Set Sky type to Background and Color to Black. This will be sure to isolate your single spot light in the scene for testing.

Re: Light issue

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 8:13 pm
by Federico
It's so funny you say that I started a file like the one you said 20 minutes ago but I didn't know about the sun light so a create a big box to work inside.

I still need to play with the Environment is my second day with twilight and I love it!!!

What's this red carpet place that everyone is talking about on the forum? I know you need a pro to access but I'm just curious....hopefully my boss will like the rendering I'm doing and buy a pro :whoot: